Pictures in the Shoutbox


The not-so-great art doggo
Since the new update, I've noticed you can now post pictures in the Shoutbox. Now, while I'm perfectly fine with a few pictures, I constantly see huge pictures and GIFs being spammed in the Shoutbox, and I find it quite annoying. My solution is to have a limit to how many pictures a person can post a day, and have a size limit.
Either that or limit the amount of images that a member can post in a short amount of time.

For example, Billy posts 5 apple gifs in 40 minutes. He's alright.

Samantha post 3 apple gifs in 5 minutes. Samantha should tone it down a bit.

vitolenehan08703 posts 15 images advertising testosterone pills in 2 minutes. vitolenehan08703 is a Spam Bot that doesn't care about the forum or apples.

Thankfully, VashX put a limit of 15 images so no further harm was done and the Spam Bot was soon taken care of. Yay!
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Either that or limit the amount of images that a member can post in a short amount of time.

For example, Billy posts 5 apple gifs in 40 minutes. He's alright.

Samantha post 3 apple gifs in 5 minutes. Samantha should tone it down a bit.

vitolenehan08703 posts 15 images advertising testosterone pills in 2 minutes. vitolenehan08703 is a Spam Bot that doesn't care about the forum or apples.

Thankfully, VashX put a limit of 15 images so no further harm was done and the Spam Bot was soon taken care of. Yay!
what do ya mean he has puten a limit?can i only post 15 Picture,gifs in my hole foru stay or just a day?