Recent content by BlOWnUp

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    Recruiting Players to join an active clan (Requires each player to get at least 200 each season)

    IGN:bLownuP ID:134690579 How much medals you get per week:100-200 How many sieges you are able to play each day:3 Trophy count (at time of writing):5135 How often do you play each day?:when I am free,probably days and night since I also have to go to schl Do you buy medals?:no Why do you want to...
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    I've already sent a request to your clan
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    Can I join?I will need a clan now.i could do more than 50 medals a season.I am level 34 and have 3200+ trophies now My id is 134690579
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    Looking for a active clan

    I could get about 50 medals every season..looking for a good and active clan.I'm level 32 and got 3000-3500 trophies ID:134690579 Name:BLOWnUp