Recent content by Bomer

  1. Bomer

    IOS 8 IS SLOW AS S***.

    What device u run on bob
  2. Bomer

    IOS 8 IS SLOW AS S***.

    I find my ios8 is fine i run on a IPad mini retina maybe your running on a older device???
  3. Bomer

    I can' t play multiplayer. >.<

    It now takes 2-3 minuites to join servers. Happens to me just wait if not clear your cache
  4. Bomer

    Guess who's back?

    None remeber never mind xD I don't remember ment either
  5. Bomer

    Guess who's back?

    After a long leave from the forums I decided to join back after the new iOS update so..... Hi I guess
  6. Bomer

    Is Flower Power worth the coins?

    Dam beat me to it I was gonna post kb's vid ;)
  7. Bomer

    Forum Game: Ban the person above you!

    I ban you for not having your surviaval score in you sig
  8. Bomer

    Is their any way to transfere coin weapons e.t.c

    I kind of figured that out a while ago, but ty for repling
  9. Bomer

    PG3D sweat basically

    PG3D sweat basically
  10. Bomer

    Forum Game: Ban the person above you!

    I ban you for liking anime
  11. Bomer

    Forum Game: Ban the person above you!

    I ban you for not banning gold for banning Jacob for multi-posting
  12. Bomer

    Post Your Best Survival Score! *NEW**Updated*

    My legit score, no hacking or cheating, not even for coins, it ruins the fun