Recent content by FEAR

  1. FEAR

    [Forum Roleplay] Surviving Dater-pocalypse

    There is a radar in every dater mech that can track other mechs as well as reveal ur location to them. If it isn't on once you reach a certain area, they'll notice something's wrong. You can tell if it's on because of a blinking light on the outside of the mech.
  2. FEAR

    [Forum Roleplay] Surviving Dater-pocalypse

    *Looks over to see two mechs moving* "What the he- Oh god, why are they here" *Grabs walkie-talkie* (whispering) "What in gods name are you two doing down there? Turn on the ----ing radar! They're gonna realize you're here if you don't!"
  3. FEAR

    [Forum Roleplay] Surviving Dater-pocalypse

    "Ok, so you only saw two..." *Peeks around corner to see if any more are coming* "I'll be right back." *Turns on wrist computer that she got installed a couple of hours ago* *Turns on invisibility* *Looks over to Vulpes* "You're not the only one with tricks up your sleeve." *Runs off to where...
  4. FEAR

    [Forum Roleplay] Surviving Dater-pocalypse

    *Runs over to where Vulpes and Question are sitting* "Ok, I took care of the two mechs around that corner. How many of those things are there exactly?"
  5. FEAR


  6. FEAR

    [Forum Roleplay] Surviving Dater-pocalypse

    *Looks over to where Vulpes is* "Be right back." *Takes out AK-48 UP2 and puts an ammo mag in it* *Runs and jumps over Vulpes, landing right in the vision of the mechs* *Runs toward mechs and uses wall to jump on top of the first one* *Shoots down into glass, killing the pilot* *Speaks into...
  7. FEAR

    [Forum Roleplay] Surviving Dater-pocalypse

    *Alpha teleports next to group* "Ok, catch me up on what's happening. And by the way, Carter, I ordered a new weapon. Should help us deal with things."
  8. FEAR

    Just Another Q&A Thread

    What country were you born in?
  9. FEAR

    Look for me on pixel gun!

    Only if you don't use the DG, LMG, and the PSR.
  10. FEAR

    Weapons noobish or not

    Laser Minigun? No?
  11. FEAR

    How are people getting so many wins?!

    As an old friend of mine once said... When in doubt, call hacks.
  12. FEAR

    Last level in the 3rd campaign world was the hardest thing I've ever done 0_0

    Last level in the 3rd campaign world was the hardest thing I've ever done 0_0
  13. FEAR

    How can I reset everything

    Try this: 1) Uninstall PG3D 2) Go to Settings -> iCloud 3) Look for everything that says PG3D and delete
  14. FEAR

    Top 10 Best Pixel Gun 3D Weapons

    Just wanted to point out that the Hellraiser UP2 is (statistically) a better weapon than the Assault Machine Gun UP2...
  15. FEAR

    Can't join friends games

    A lot of real-time online games have this problem when it comes to joining another plataform's match. So yea, I would say it's because you're on different devices.