Recent content by Xern

  1. Xern

    Looking for a few good men (or women)

    here is the id :19112458 . It's currently open to the public so can just join
  2. Xern

    Looking for a clan

    If you want you can join the clan im in, the Id is 19112458 . We're currently looking for members, right now we have 10
  3. Xern

    How to cancel crafting process? (I accidentally pressed the craft button)

    You can't, that's what I know atleast.
  4. Xern

    Looking for a few good men (or women)

    I would like to join you. If you guys want me that is, well my IGN is XernZX and here is my ID: 93835869 I'm not in the US but I hope I can join, and I'm level 23.
  5. Xern

    Looking for a clan

    Well as the title says im looking for a clan that I can join. I'm not in clan so now I want, ill show some of my stats. IGN : XernZX League : Ruby League Kill Rate : 1.33 Total Multiplayer Wins : 242 Those are my stats, I hope those look promising to any clan leaders.
  6. Xern

    Argents Clan

    Can I join? So you have to schedule a tryout for me right, my ID is 93835869 . Hope you reply soon.
  7. Xern

    Ice Army Clan

    hi I willing to join but your instant join code has expired but ill tell you my ID for PG3D its 93835869
  8. Xern

    Looking for a clan

    Hi there, I'm Xern and I'm looking for an active clan to join since I'm not in one. Here are my stats. League : Ruby League Trophies : 2907 Total Multiplayer Wins : 242 Kill rate : 1.4 (yes its not the best) Level :23 IGN : XernZX Player ID :93835869 If these look promising to any clan please...
  9. Xern

    Looking for Recruits

    ill also ask are you still recruiting? I'm lvl 23, and my ign is XernZX.