[forum game]Fun Facts

a 2008 survey showed that 50 percent of the teens in britain thought sherlock holmes was real while 28 percent thought winston churchill was not real. go figure

"Te Amasin Spoderman" is a badly spelt "The Amazing Spiderman".
The amount of waste products from the lifetime of one chicken
could produce enough electricity to light a
100 watt lightbulb for 5 hours
A Parisian street mime was so committed that he actually got stuck in his imaginary box and died of starvation in 1843.

If you search for "241543903" in google images, you will find a lot of pictures of people putting their heads in refrigerators.

The average human will eat an average of 8 spiders while sleeping.

If you watch all the movies of the SAW franchise, it'd take you a total time of 666 minutes.

Study shows that when you fall in love with someone, you lose 2 close friends.

The 2nd person ever to survive going over Niagara Falls died from slipping over an orange peel.

The more homework a child receives, the more likely he/she is going to suffer from depression.
It has been proven that not everything is possible. The tester tried stapling water to a tree and failed.

Water = Dihydrogen monoxide.
Water is a nickname for Dihydrogen monoxide.
Ice = Dihydrogen monoxide.
Ice is a nickname for Dihydrogen monoxide.
Dihydrogen monoxide applies to all 3 states of matter, because it's not just a nickname for the liquid phase (water).
So considering that Dihydrogen monoxide is both water and solid, why not staple the solid version of Dihydorgen monoxide to a tree. It still contains the same composition as water, it's just that the particles are more compact. It's all still H20.

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Here goes nothing.
Sea otters drown and kill baby seals
Stalin killed his scientists because they failed to create cross human and ape mutants
Hitler was actually against violence against animals, smoking and ate almost a kilogram of chocolate a day
The swastika doesn't represent nazi but it instead represents peace in Japanese culture.
The illuminati is not real.
Right now Getmany is threatening to take over Greece who are not able to return 300 billion euros of debt
Despite being the queen the queen of England holds little power. Most power in England is owned by the prime minister
Putin is the most powerful man on the planet.
Iran has blocked lots of websites from their public, these include youtube, steam, Facebook, Instagram and many other websites.
China bphas blocked youtube.
In the future India will become the most populated country.
According to the global peace index, the countries of Scandinavia are always on the top while Middle eastern countries and America are at the bottom.
The Big Bang was not an explosion
Decades of experimenting lead most scientists to believe evolution to be true.
The movies the win oscar are usually historical, have the main that acted deal with their gender specific problems and are about the importance of actors.