Map Idea: Abandoned Airport

Inferno the Assassin

Probably not named Gertrude
It is basically the same as all airports, fancy and modern. It will be XL. The good thing about airports is that they all have a lot of stuff, which provides a lot of hiding spots like the counters or the shops etc. It will also be slightly dark(I mean it's abandoned) and only windows will provide light. This will allow more stealth action. Another feature about airports is that they have all those poster banner things on the floor(The ones standing up with the glass thingys). This can be used for cover in firefights, which will make it a lot more interesting. Thank you for reading.
Nice one! Would also be nice if it was bigger (had access to the outside part) and for a lets say a 10 person deadly games
Seems a good idea but maybe make it team deathmatch too and many dummys also planes connected via getaways and by staircase from outside