what were your first memories of the internet and the golden days?

Admiral Ansoa

Grand VizeAdmiral
we all know the internet is a big and magical place not really what were your first things to do on the web?
(i'd write more stuff but i iz busyyyy)
Well, my first active presence in an online community was actually on a website that no longer exists (it was on an old Battlefront clan's website, using the Xat chatbox, back in Spring 2011).

My first immersion of the Internet though, probably way back when I would watch videos from CACox97 (an ol' YouTuber famous for NERF war vids), stephencaraher (famous for "The Cold NERF War" vids), and BlackHawkProductions13 (a now heavily defunct NERF war channel), all from around '08-'10. If you couldn't guess by those channels, I was very much into NERF guns as a kid, in part because I didn't get one until I was 14 (yeah, a small water pistol was all I had once as a kid). That aside, those are perhaps the earliest internet interactions I remember (aside from looking up images of trains and cars when I was 10-11).
My first experience with the internet was probably way back when I was like 5 or 6, when my sister would show me YouTube videos and games on a site known as Addicting Games.
Hmmm... Well the first time I went into the wonderful place called the Internet, I just played computer flash games, and watched some Pewdiepie for the first time and other gaming channels. Then as I progressively got older, I searched for loads and loads of pictures of my favorite video games, printed them, and then stuck them on my school binder. Then when I was into Pixel Gun, I heard about this place after watching good ol' KB Standard. And now, I search for spicy memes, watch the latest cringe videos, search for the Super Smash Bros guides to improve my skills using Kirby, watch Markiplier, Seananners, Jackseptic Eye (I think that's how it's spelled?), and some other disturbing channels I would rather not say. *Cough FilthyFrank Cough*
Hmmm... Well the first time I went into the wonderful place called the Internet, I just played computer flash games, and watched some Pewdiepie for the first time and other gaming channels. Then as I progressively got older, I searched for loads and loads of pictures of my favorite video games, printed them, and then stuck them on my school binder. Then when I was into Pixel Gun, I heard about this place after watching good ol' KB Standard. And now, I search for spicy memes, watch the latest cringe videos, search for the Super Smash Bros guides to improve my skills using Kirby, watch Markiplier, Seananners, Jackseptic Eye (I think that's how it's spelled?), and some other disturbing channels I would rather not say. *Cough FilthyFrank Cough*
"Then as I progressively got older, I searched for loads and loads of pictures of my favorite video games, printed them, and then stuck them on my school binder." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I can relate
I used to play a pixelish bike game motocross something I think... sigh wish I could find it again otherwise I started playing on this site called mochigames which is dead now
my first thing EVER to do on the internet was watch sponge bob "i am a goofy goober" and after that i found out YT and started watching animated Lego videos of super hero's (batman was the first since i was obsessed with the game on the PSP) and because only one person could use the mini router and no one had smart phones at the time, everyone got bored of it eventually and so me and my big brother were just exploring it like crazy, i remember watching Animated transformers videos (got addicted) such as "Transformers VS star wars the clone wars" sounds cringe-worthy but i loved it and watched some old transformer cartoons that were discontinued on TV (couldnt find full episodes so i just listened to the theme and that was it) and then after my brother started using the router less i started getting into some really weird stuff (no its not pron) i started googling about shark attacks species and injuries (i actually liked that stuff but documentary channels didnt cover a whole lot) and after i was done reading shark stories i went onto spiders and boy did i love that, and after my brother busted me i stopped till this day, after that i started playing Cartoon Network games more often, my favorite has to be "Laser Warriors" not sure if thats the full name, but the game was AMAZING! it was ahead of its time with light years until it got shut down :c
and then i moved on to find a similar game and played the crap out of Ed Edd 'n Eddy's car games i'd like to tell you about other games but that would take forever and that one scooby doo game, after that i stopped cuz we went to germany for a few years and those were my first 2 years or so on the internet :U