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  1. H

    Trophies/League related question.

    I am just curious. Some players go up the leaderboards with 40,000 trophies. Usually you get 32-33 in most games, so you have to play a lot to win. Some players, have 40,000 trophies with 10 wins. Do these people get 4,000 trophies per game, or play teams mode?
  2. H

    What? - Pixel Gun Glitch

    Hello. I was playing on Knives map (again). I've noticed a strange player. Knives map don't allow gadgets. Only pets. This player was spawning like 10 turrets at the same time! It was very hard to take the screenshot. But is this hacking or legit?
  3. H

    Teams Mode Glitch

    I usually never play teams mode, but today, I decided to. Our team, [BLUE] has 51 kills and [RED] has 43. I added all the scores and it was correct. You can see from the image, it says [DEFEAT]. Is it just me that is having the glitch, or is this a common glitch?