Whats the name of the gun before powerful gift


New Member
Ok sorry i just dont really know im so confused what is the gun's name before the powerful gift or is it just powerful gift nothing before that or its a limited edition gun pls answer :3:3
Ok i meant like is the powerful gift like an upgrade of one backup gun like the dual pistol something idk
The Powerful gift and the Deadly candy were both Limited edition Christmas weapons back last year but they changed their Texture and renamed them "Steam Revolver",and "Steam power"...
The Powerful gift and the Deadly candy were both Limited edition Christmas weapons back last year but they changed their Texture and renamed them "Steam Revolver",and "Steam power"...
Ok thx and is the steam power special? Premium? Or primary. I know the steam revolver is backup because im getting it later.
And do you mind telling me the best premium gun out there that can be purchase with coins i have 345 coins but probably gonna have 400+ later on
The steam power has been removed. I have no idea why. Sure it was very powerful, but not OP. with a 3 round clip. RIP Steam power! <3