Recent content by Kaname Madoka

  1. Kaname Madoka

    Dude, help.

    My school iPad's account is currently lv7, and I just got the Guerrilla rifle and fast death. Anything I should start working on?
  2. Kaname Madoka


    Read the title. So I'm using the school iPad to play this XD Currently I'm '<ff0000>', level 4 and has a skin based on Ellen from 'The Witch's House'. Now what guns do you recomment I get?
  3. Kaname Madoka

    About new weapons in 8.0.0

    I'm going to upload more photos soon. If I remember correctly we have an upgrade of Guerilla Rifle. Pros, rejoice.
  4. Kaname Madoka

    About new weapons in 8.0.0

    So I got this info from a PG3D Facebook website. Golden Laser Cannon->Crystal Laser Cannon Upgrade Cost: 95 coins Damage:3 Fire Rate:9 Capacity:8(+1) Mobility:7(+1) Firestorm G2->Firestorm G3 Upgrade cost:165 coins Damage:10 Fire Rate:5 Capacity:4(+1) Mobility:5 Anti-Gravity...
  5. Kaname Madoka

    New Update What To Expect

    PSR-check Laser cannon-check Now let me get my tutorial grinder ready at Christmas. I'm kinda digging the new gun's design though.
  6. Kaname Madoka

    IOS 8 IS SLOW AS S***.

    I mean, seriously, the App Store takes longer to load and my keyboard is lagging so badly right now I don't even. What's your view on IOS8 if you have updated it?
  7. Kaname Madoka

    Goodbye, goodbye, until Christmas shall I say goodbye

    Update! I've reinstalled the app(the iPad I used for PG3D was just on the table). I've lost my skins, but my rank and guns(Focus is on the guns) are intact. Now I just have to cross my fingers and hope it won't get deleted again until Christmas time. I think Game Center backups your stuff(minus...
  8. Kaname Madoka

    Goodbye, goodbye, until Christmas shall I say goodbye

    So I got ipad-grounded, and my elder brother got the DECENCY TO DELETE THE APP. So I will see if I'm still lucky, or else at Christmas holidays I shall start grinding at the tutorials. I will still hang around the forums though, so yeah. ^_^"
  9. Kaname Madoka

    The Artist's Corner

    Oh my, so many good artists here! I usually do iPad art, so... I wonder if I should post something here, though. I don't have a lot of handdrawn drawings with me right now.
  10. Kaname Madoka

    Skin Glitch

    Can you try making a new custom skin and see if it works? Otherwise I can't really help, sorry. I'm an iOS user.
  11. Kaname Madoka

    Are we winning?

    Just search ***. There's loads. I actually made a *** server once just to lure in noobie ***ters and kill them. Funnily enough, I get Lv13s and stuff. So I just join servers now, not make them. Lol
  12. Kaname Madoka

    Which primary weapon??

    I have the Crystal Mega Destroyer, which I don't use much, so is there better options? I don't know whether I should just get the Peacemaker or other primary weps. My other loadouts: Secondary: Crystal Fast Death Melee: Skeleton Sword(to be upgraded) Special: PSR-1 Premium: Golden Laser Cannon...
  13. Kaname Madoka

    How to design skins like a pro 8 steps

    ...Why are you double posting?
  14. Kaname Madoka

    How to design skins like a pro 8 steps

    I just sketch out the character I'm making the skin for and try and pixilate it accordingly. Tip: Never add mouths. NEVER ADD MOUTHS. They only look like thick un-mouths.