After 4 Months.....

Unfortunately, Pixel Gun World is confirmed that it is eternally closed and nothing can be done to bring it back. What's more unfortunate is that we still have the crappy Mobile version, ahem* Pixel Gun 3D, that is still alive. It should've been dead by now.
PG3D deserves being shut down because there is no way the greedy RiliSoft we all know and probably hate would fix their game while them being incompetent and caring about money (they become even more greedy and made in-game purchases into scammy baits) rather than game balance. PGW deserves resurrection because it was an awesome game. No hackers, no daters, even modders didn't exist, no gems, no sandbox, a staff team who listen to most of the complaints (shoutout to Aldo, Tsu, Sitka and others!), it may be unbalanced but the matchmaking was similar to the one in 7.1.0 and not as unbalanced as PG3D, and many other great stuff I can't even mention.
#ShutDownPixelGun3D #BringBackPixelGunWorld