Pixel Gun 3D Forums

We're plannning to start it in the beginning of the next week
Ok great
Long discussion lead us to a certain conclusion. Unfortunately, we can't just announce the features that we're gonna add to an update before the official release, because of a trade secret. Ignoring it may jeopardize the work of a whole company
For now, we think that the best way to show that we like an idea is to add it right into a game. "What does community want for a next update" is still the thread we get most of the inspiration and ideas from.
Excuse me? Where did I ever state that I want you to divulge any trade secrets or reveal content before it was due for release? Second the purpose of the discussions as I have clearly stated was to gather ideas and provide feedback on them, because you have not been very active in this area and this would hopefully facilitate the creation of more purposeful and successful updates to the game.
The other ideas thread you mentioned is a farce, no one on here takes it seriously because they do not ever receive responses or proper critique of any of the ideas suggested. I have spent a month on this forum discussing, informing and listening to many of the people that are still involved in this forum, just to reach this point and yet after all this effort, this is your response?
That's right I am understandably frustrated, so I will leave you alone without creating further incident, as my suggestions are clearly detrimental to whatever plans you may have. Just to be clear the responsibility of implementing ideas remains, as it always will, with you the developers.
I have no interest, nor should I, in learning of what future updates may hold, nor have I ever expressed a concern for this issue. Now I have no interest at all in the future of this game, good day.
Jesus, take a chill pill. For the safety for Rilisoft's future on the development of the game, and your future on this forum, please don't attempt to flame Rilisoft. Because I see flame-material all over these replies of yours...And Rilisoft, I'm sorry for the pain this person caused you. I mean seriously, writing a novel about how Rilisoft is failing isn't helping anyone here.
I think your actions are more flame invoking then mine since I obviously disagree with you and also because I never addressed you. I think the more mature thing to do would have been to address me privately rather then confront me in this way. If you would like a discussion, just message me.