Pixel Gun 3D Forums

The new level system is a more fair system, compared to the previous 'as long as you have coins, you can get anything' system. That way you will have to work hard to level up and be able to use all the weapons. Also by doing this, it also adds new meaning to ranks.

Also 'Tracers' (I presume it means you can see an opposing players name) will make life very difficult, as wall bangers will obliterate everyone.
And I thought the old level system was more fair and better. Rilisoft is turning PG 3D into COD!! NO! The new level system makes it more of a COD Game rather than it's own. It's even really unfair even for those who have purchased coins off the App Store up ya know. Rilisoft, don't make it like COD.

When I say tracers, I mean tracer projectile bullets. The stuff that comes out of a gun.
Rilisoft is doing what they think what is best for the game.