Search results

  1. xxfirespinxx

    Looking to become competitive again..

    so I guess since ive come back I might as well join a clan... however I have made quite a name for myself in joining those so called "dating servers" pulling out an automatic peacemaker and spraying the map (and everyone in it)full of bullets. othere than that which I will continue to do...
  2. xxfirespinxx

    i make my return.

    its been like a year. no a few idfk idfc. im back :smile: anyways. Hai :smile:
  3. xxfirespinxx

    Forum game: "whack a wall"

    the premise of this game is simple. you are made and you must throw things @ the "evil" wall. ill start. "stupid wall" *throws crayon*
  4. xxfirespinxx


    im new to the forums, NOT the game. ive been playing since it came out...... i play and am known as xxfirespinxx, my bestie i dont believe she is on here but shes called killerjellybeanz. uh if you wanna play a match with us you can always kik me at Rmerriam990. i have a youtube channel and have...