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  1. R

    my game got deleted 2 times

    Like I going to play it then it say Nick name stuff I'm like noooooooooooooo my hard work is gone 2 times
  2. R

    guns are different colors

    I went on a random game then I saw they guns were different colors
  3. R

    why are they floating bullets in guns

    I noticed one day I'm what the so yeah just wondering y it's like that
  4. R

    what is this thing in slender forest

    I did a glitch out of slender forest and I was wondering around and I ran In to this
  5. R

    all my friends got deleted

    It was u can't see online now they all get deleted
  6. R

    weird glitch in time survival

    I Was playing the game they were like floating and through stuff
  7. R

    help my game got deleted

    I was charging my kindle so I look on it my game is gone for some reason I had to redownload it now I have to start from beginning is there a way to get it all back
  8. R

    How was i playing with newbies

    Is this a glitch I'm a level 13