~~Russo {ravemiguel}~~
New Member
dang son, just like my profile status says, this place is even more dead than my chicken nuggets.
And I guess I need to introduce myself so a thread can be sh*tposted on for this forum to finally be alive.
This is it
Here I go
<awkward asf>
I'm ravemiguel (ign) and not that any of you will care, but I just started 2-3 days ago and am looking for a clan. I'm not sure how this thing works, but I suppose I have to put my trophie count and level. I'm at level 17 with 6012 trophies and am very active, I use sniper and the Hellraiser a lot.
(I noticed a lot of "I am the best player ever threads around here, like wtf even)
I'm an approachable guy, just tell me when you want to play, add me in the game and lets give it a go.
Dang it I sounded like a twelve year old
Anyways, just a few questions:
Are we allowed to cuss/swear here?
Why did my cat talk back to me when I made sure to discipline her properly?
Do clans really have a significance here rather than just two put a small title beside your name?
Should I upgrade my current sniper (laser crossbow, only 4 gems away) or buy a new one (laser bow, crap ton of gems away)?
Ty very much
I'll make this place alive again
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And I guess I need to introduce myself so a thread can be sh*tposted on for this forum to finally be alive.
This is it
Here I go
<awkward asf>
I'm ravemiguel (ign) and not that any of you will care, but I just started 2-3 days ago and am looking for a clan. I'm not sure how this thing works, but I suppose I have to put my trophie count and level. I'm at level 17 with 6012 trophies and am very active, I use sniper and the Hellraiser a lot.
(I noticed a lot of "I am the best player ever threads around here, like wtf even)
I'm an approachable guy, just tell me when you want to play, add me in the game and lets give it a go.
Dang it I sounded like a twelve year old
Anyways, just a few questions:
Are we allowed to cuss/swear here?
Why did my cat talk back to me when I made sure to discipline her properly?
Do clans really have a significance here rather than just two put a small title beside your name?
Should I upgrade my current sniper (laser crossbow, only 4 gems away) or buy a new one (laser bow, crap ton of gems away)?
Ty very much
I'll make this place alive again
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