Weapon Specials and... What's this?


Active Member
Haven't been here for a while, mainly because I have been modding and creating weapons/monsters for a Doom mod, known as Brutal Doom (and yes, I think Doom 4 is a pile of trash).

After my years of making weaponry, Pixel Gun starts to look like it came out of EA's butt. You people have no idea how much of a pain I had playing because of the lack of ideas. Sure, the themes for the weapons are good and such, like the Dark Matter Gun, but most of the weapons are just a plain copy of a base weapon (like splash damage, hitscan, etc). All they needed to do is change the model of the gun, and a few of it's stats (and I should also say that some gun stats give you false information). However, I have the best solution to stop making weapons so boring to use.

Let's take a look at the Dark Matter Generator and the Anti Gravity Blaster. Sure, the differences are the damage, the model of the gun, the projectile, the mobility, the ROF, and other gimmicks, but if you think about it, they're the same thing. You can still rocket jump like it's Quake with those guns, if you use CS:GO logic, except for one of them you don't have to use "grab out your knife, and switch your weapon quickly" logic.

Now if you know about a mod for Brutal Doom called Project Brutality, our main goal was focussed on this new system we created called, the Weapon Special System. In English, for you stickless school dropouts, it means Tertiary fire, or another firing mode. If you want to experience it, make sure you AREN'T DUMB enough to use a Doom Engine called, GZDoom. Google a tutorial if you need to.

Basically, let me give you the small piece of what this could do. This little function can:
1) switch the kind of ammunition you use
2) switch from single-wielding to dual-wielding
3) switching gun modes

Now, why don't we take a better look at my mod. 82 weapons of glory, and with that function. Oh, and all of them are in sprites. I hope you still aren't DUMB ENOUGH to use the GZDoom sourceport engine for Doom. Oh, and I forgot, you need to buy Doom. It's okay to spend 15 bucks when purchasing a game, right? Just like most of you people who spend money on gems and coins.


Observe how I do my stuff. Of course this is in a beta, so you can say this is crap and stuff like that. Here's the main point:

A tertiary fire mode would most likely make the game even more fun. People can see the small background of a weapon and call that different than the rest, but look into more detail, numskulls. Even Bulletstorm has this! A charge system that's like a weapon special!

Turn a Dark Matter Cannon into a Dark Matter Shotgun, or a Dark Matter Assault Rifle. Turn a Mine launcher into an impact grenade launcher. Make an Anti Gravity Blaster a fusion shotgun! Transform your Peacemaker into a tri-minigun (if you know what that even means. Because saying 3 barreled minigun is different than what's up here). Switch from using buckshot to slugs with shotguns! Fire all 4 missiles, or 2 at a time with the Armageddon! You can make a ton of ideas like what I did with my mod. These weapons can start from basic, to more advanced. Like turning a normal plasma pistol into a plasma shotgun or a railgun.

Even Doom has an LMG where you can put on a 6-Burst Rocket Launcher attachment. Even COD lets you have grenade launchers or shotguns on your assault rifle. Those are good examples of Weapon Specials, or tertiary fire. They can be categorized as using the extra attachment on your gun. It's still part of the weapon special system.

Upgrading is way too simple, and doesn't bring back the old fun of a gun. Some would prefer to remove the suppressor of the SWAT Rifle, and hear that good CS Source FAMAS sound, you know. Sometimes, sound development drags people to areas of interest.

The balance out of this: It consumes more ammo
The imbalance out of this: Wait what? This game is already imbalanced! Just make it more imbalanced!
No, but seriously. People will be abusing this system, just like the turrets, the invisibility potions, the mechs, and you get the point.

It would make the game a lot more interesting too. I would rather turn a freeze ray into a plasma gun, or a fusion railgun that deals splash damage.


Also, I know some people are complaining about how this is a pay to win game. Pretty sure the reason why they added the gem system and how they say they want your money is because of what's going on in Russia. I don't want you to give and spend your money like a girl who just went to 5 malls, but just keep in mind this is what they had to go through.



And I swear, if someone reports this for advertising, you have no brains at all. I am simply using my little 82 weapon arsenal mod and a bunch of others that replicate this system I am showing to you guys, but no. Some of you will be dumb enough to think I am trying to make people change their favorite game. I am simply showing an idea in a different way, you namby bamby idiots.

Some of you will be like, that means too much code, and... just shut up right there.

You don't think I had to deal with too much code? Took me a month to make at least one complex laser guided rocket launcher, and a weapon special system, AND making 82 weapons with a crap load of things. And I also work with the Unity engine too, with making a Zelda game, so shut your fly traps.

Game updates are supposed to take a while, and there are ETAs that aren't true. Brutal Doom v20 had it's due date pushed back while fans were being hyper fanboys, and yes, some have lost hope (like very few), but others still waited. The same goes for Pixel Gun.