ElectricShrew65 May 18, 2015 Sorry if this post is kinda late, but congratulations on 204 positive ratings anyways!
??? May 12, 2015 There's a time when we start, and end. Some may start earlier or end earlier. But in my case I don't want to end before I've made my mark.
There's a time when we start, and end. Some may start earlier or end earlier. But in my case I don't want to end before I've made my mark.
??? May 4, 2015 http://pixelgun3dforums.com/index.php?threads/a-teaser-for-my-novel.14044/ Check out my novel teaser!
http://pixelgun3dforums.com/index.php?threads/a-teaser-for-my-novel.14044/ Check out my novel teaser!
??? Mar 28, 2015 Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute, a hour, or a day, or a year. Eventually, it will subside. If I quit, however, It lasts forever
Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute, a hour, or a day, or a year. Eventually, it will subside. If I quit, however, It lasts forever
??? Mar 27, 2015 It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you get hit and keep on moving forward. That's how people get to the top.
It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you get hit and keep on moving forward. That's how people get to the top.
??? Mar 16, 2015 Two main types of players in Pixel Gun 3D. The skilful that don't need armour. The opposite hide behind armour as cowards. I've chose skill.
Two main types of players in Pixel Gun 3D. The skilful that don't need armour. The opposite hide behind armour as cowards. I've chose skill.
??? Mar 9, 2015 For no man ever proves himself a good man in the game unless he can endure ruby amour ,go close against the enemy and fight without armour.
For no man ever proves himself a good man in the game unless he can endure ruby amour ,go close against the enemy and fight without armour.