Asuna Yuukittens Mar 13, 2015 We are all like snowflakes.. There's millions of us. But just remember that we are all different in our own special and beautiful ways!
We are all like snowflakes.. There's millions of us. But just remember that we are all different in our own special and beautiful ways!
Asuna Yuukittens Mar 2, 2015 Fight for something you love.. Fight for something that gives you hope.. Fight for those who makes you happy.. And never give up!
Fight for something you love.. Fight for something that gives you hope.. Fight for those who makes you happy.. And never give up!
Saigō Takamori Dec 12, 2014 Welcome to the forums Asuna! お会いできてうれしいです。(dunno if it's 100% correct, my japanese is very limited xp)
Welcome to the forums Asuna! お会いできてうれしいです。(dunno if it's 100% correct, my japanese is very limited xp)
Asuna Yuukittens Dec 12, 2014 When I began thinking of him as I fell asleep, I stopped having nightmares.For the first time since I arrived here, I was happy.
When I began thinking of him as I fell asleep, I stopped having nightmares.For the first time since I arrived here, I was happy.