Azoth Mar 12, 2016 Im Slim Shady, yes Im the real Shady, All you other Slim Shadys are imitating, so wont the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up.
Im Slim Shady, yes Im the real Shady, All you other Slim Shadys are imitating, so wont the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up.
H H Hayabusa Feb 7, 2016 Unacceptable! -Grabs another pair of carbonadium swords- Screw yo healing factor! >:V
H H Hayabusa Jan 2, 2016 You're a dude, right Mr. Phantomhive?
Azoth Dec 26, 2015 When you come back from a break from the forums and people changed their names...yet again T-T