Mr. Kirbs
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  • Damn, I didn't know this forums is dead...
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    Reactions: Horny Jessica
    Yea currently it's ded
    But, as soon as we get official approval from the admin, we're gonna retool it to be more of a general games forum rather than focusing on just Pixel Gun 3D in hopes of injecting new life into it
    Mr. Kirbs
    Mr. Kirbs
    That's unfortunate, considering that Pixel Gun has been owned my multiple companies and then the forum being ignored. The game should actually add a forum button to here.
    Rilisoft (or whatever it is called now IDK) once used to be active on these forums, but they haven't been active in more than a year, and this is still not an official forum, it is only fanmade, so none of the rest of us work for them
    I'd suggest to stick around and see how you like the change if it ever happens anyway
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