Vulpes Jul 16, 2017 Edgy Quotes 2017 "It's sad when the people who gave you the best memories, become a memory."
Vulpes Jun 10, 2017 Have you ever stopped to think that whenever you pop a bubble from a bubble wrap you're breathing abit of China's air?
Have you ever stopped to think that whenever you pop a bubble from a bubble wrap you're breathing abit of China's air?
[inactive] May 20, 2017 ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ ==__== klink klank klink klank ==__== .==__== .==__==klinkaklinka ..==__== ...== __== -------|__|--- XXX^XXXX^X\ XX/-----------\X\ XX|---O---O-|XXX| XXX\-----V---|XXX| KOCHIO MIRO XX----====|XXX| _/||||-====|||\_ \\|||||''''''''''''''"||/
ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ ==__== klink klank klink klank ==__== .==__== .==__==klinkaklinka ..==__== ...== __== -------|__|--- XXX^XXXX^X\ XX/-----------\X\ XX|---O---O-|XXX| XXX\-----V---|XXX| KOCHIO MIRO XX----====|XXX| _/||||-====|||\_ \\|||||''''''''''''''"||/
MatthewGo707 May 18, 2017 Did you read the message in the shoutbox regarding the use of negative ratings?
Vulpes Apr 9, 2017 Life is exactly like Mathematics. If something seems too easy, you're doing it wrong.