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  • I think pixel gun was hacked... Everybody's clan is "FFA gaming"
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    Reactions: Theta Meta
    It's a bug , just re change your clan name by clicking it on the clan list , click the name and it automatically let you on the keyboard.
    Fixed, thanks ^.^
    Why do all of our clans say FFA gaming?
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    Reactions: Theta Meta
    It's a bug , just re change your clan name by clicking it on the clan list , click the name and it automatically let you on the keyboard.
    Here's stuff I'd like to see soon:
    *Gun paint shops
    *Better AI for creatures
    *Different kinds of grenades (sticky grenades, land mines, detonator, etc)
    *Gun tilts with camera angle...might not get what I'm saying
    *Plague Mode
    *ragdoll physics
    *better friction
    *tons of bug fixes
    *bring back the big stacks of coins:pensive:
    *better lobby
    *messenger (friends)
    *more stuff
    Thank you
    Hello!!! I think I have already suggested these maps to be made, but I really want to make sure that you see this and take it into consideration: but I think adding remakes of these maps into pixel gun would be awesome: "Terminal" from modern warfare 2, "the pit" from halo 3, and "cs_office" from counter-strike. These would be awesome maps in pixel gun!!!
    What's up rilisoft? Your 'What Does The Community Wants For The Next Update?' Is being spamed, but the mods took care of it. And by the way. Can you please remove the bridge at sniper forts, not spawncamp forts. Yeah, a lot of people spawncamp than actually sniping
    Hello RiliSoft, Just curious as to if you know why the game is sticking at 91% on the loading screen. Both my kids own Kindle HDs. One is working fine the other started having this problem this morning. I looked around and it seems smewhat common, but didn't find a work around. I tried deleting, clearing the cache, restarting the device, etc... Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for all the hard work! :smile:
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    Reactions: Theta Meta
    Sorry for this bug. It will be fixed in next update.
    Hey rilisoft !!
    When is the new update coming ??
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    Reactions: Theta Meta
    I don't think you should ask Rilisoft this question. If you scroll down, you can see that this has been asked multiple times, and they have said that they are still yet unsure of when they are releasing it.
    uh, it's coming soon. But I don't know exactly. We are waiting for the review result. Sorry(
    Hi RiliSoft,
    a few days ago i have organized a skin competition on the forums and i don't know what the prize for the winner(s) can look like, so i'm wondering if you could give the winner(s) a coin prize. For example: 1st place: 500 coins, 2nd place: 200 coins and 3rd place: 100 coins.
    Thank you for the answer. :smile:
    Ok Alex, this is the big moment where you give us a tease by saying one word relating to a major feature in the next update, but you make it incredibly vague, so people come up with absurd ideas on what it means.
    Pixel Gun 3D is the best game ever ;) i dont hate the Update, because i have farmed 2600 Coins :tongueout: The Problem: I play on Windows Phone :cry: (i have to wait longer for Updates than other people) A Wish: Please make a Sniper, wich shots slow and makes little damage - but focuses the enemies automatic ;)
    From Germany: [ff4500]adrikum
    what's up with people saying the elephant hunter doesn't work
    I think it is likely due to having no rate of fire, which means it can't be equipped.
    I am unable to use this weapon (since upgrading) and it was one of the first things in the update to be found bugged.should be fixed soon so it's no bigee
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