1337 Guide on how 2 rekt Ruby armoured Pl@yers


Oh god not this *bleep* again.....
Hallo and i iz...... Well idk and idc so lets get on with it!

1. PSR UP 2
Now dis iz for mlg scrublords that cen handle all thee euphoria, Dis can 1HK a Ruby player with a headshot! Althouht it takes 5000 years to reload, atleast its reaaaaalllyy powerfull!
Twoo: Mechs!
Now you might be thinking "wow! I didnt know zat wally was a filthy casual! Hurhurhur" to answeeer hat question...... I dont even know anymore...
Now thas is really powerful, and its splash damage makes it even more OP (inb4 smogonites b@n it to ubers) althought most RAPs has this weepon, atleast you has skill:sleeping:zz
wait? What step are we at?
21: Fairy Types
It has been clinically proven that RAPs are dragon types, so why not _1337_ rekt theme with FABULOUS FAIRY TYPES!!! (warning: they are also clinically proven to sometimes be metagrosses so if you stuble across a metagross and git rekt, dont come crying to me!)

And that is alll m8s! Have fun drinking mtn dew and eating doritos while i stay here and rekt 47 year olds with mega $\|/@Gp|~|@rø$.
Correction: 9001 years