6 types of annoying players

More lag
Laggy servers
Try hards
Wanna-be mlg's but they still are horrible at playing

And nothing is wrong will spawn killing. Its just another way of saying u are no longer able to push them back. Ur loosing.
Yea nothing IS wrong with spawn campers (two finger thingy). But im talking about YOUR OWN TEAMATE pushing you off the map
19. Reporters- People who report you for killing them with a battle shovel multiple times in a row :confused:. (Which I killed someone with a Battle Shovel, it was fun.)
20. Anti-Grav users- People who use the super op as Anti Grav Up3 the whole match D: <
21. Religion Spammers- People who boast and brag about their religion and say "God is best!" "God is our savior!" "God is love, God is life!". They also fall into the Reporter category to for apparently not liking their religion...
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23. Perverted players.

These players talk or create servers dedicated to talking about "other" stuff. Things kids my age are saying makes me smh.
1. The prototyper - I'm not say everyone that uses this gun are scrubs, but we all remember those players that run around with it and shoot you and not use it as a sniper. Ever since it was released
2. Double trouble - Those people with the Dragons breath AND the freeze ray.
3. Rich kids - the people that spam the mech and turret everywhere.
4. Heavy - People with the peacemaker... I hate them SOOOOOOO much
5. Spawn camper - those people who spawn kill you
6. The Anti-pixel - People with, The peacemaker, PR (plasma releaser) Freeze ray and Dragons breath. With crystal/ruby armor and spam turrets and mechs everywhere that spawn kill you.
These are my opinions okay?
you hate me im double trouble

24.MAX Kills Nano (me) allways finds a way out of the map then snipes u out
25.kill stealers they steal your kills
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I don't understand why so many people dislike the dragon breath and freeze ray. They aren't as op as many others (ex. Peacemaker)...
25. Any person spams the chat with

However a perfect weapon against daters
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Stinger UP 2 and Demolition Cape UP 2 spammer (aka me)