Adam's Video Game Suggestions: Trove!


Retired Moderator/Car Enthusiast
Hi guys, so if you guys all remember about the various threads I've posted in the past about games like Blockstorm and Guns of Icarus Online, you know that I made those threads to talk about the game and get you all interested and whatnot. Well, I've decided to name them "Adam's Video Game Suggestions", purely for the fact I have no doubts these sorts of threads will always occur on the OTL. Not sure when they will occur, but they will occur. :tongueout:

Anyways, so today I'd like to talk to you all about Trove. What is Trove you might ask? Well, it's an MMORPG that has a style very much like Minecraft (or Cube World for those of you who have played it), and it's a free one! Very fun game, you have 11 classes currently (the devs plan to have 18 total someday) to pick from, each with their strengths and weaknesses. Best part is they are also balanced, so there's no specific class that's more OP than the other. There's also multiple biomes in the world portals (portals for varying degrees of difficulty with level requirements to enter), each with unique dungeons, castles, resources, and other things! The best part is the worlds are procedurally generated, and are practically infinite (meaning there's no such thing as a world being completely mined out of resources or all the dungeons being cleared!) There's also the basic stuff as well, such as Mastery ranks, levels, gardening, etc. You even have your own little house called a Cornerstone. Just simply wlak up to an empty plot of land with a sign, press "E", and your house appears! You can do this to any empty plot of land with a sign, and your house can literally be with you wherever you go! There's even player specific chests, so you don't have to worry about other players stealing your loot! There's also Clubs for players to make or join, so they can pool their resources together, or find friends to raid dungeons or castles with!

All in all, this is a really fun game, and I highly recommend it if you aren't regularly an MMO player. Your only issue might be the server queue times (at release the devs didn't have enough servers ready to handle the massive influx of players, so they've been trying to patch in some hotfixes). They usually last about 10-20 mins long, but I guarantee you it's worth the wait. Also, if you are planning on finding me, I go by Bronzium on there (press "O" to access the friends list btw), and have a Level 10 Gunslinger and Level 7 Pirate Captain. I'm also on with some friends in the late hours (8PM-1AM EDT), so that would be your best bet to catch me on there if I'm not on in the daytime. We also use Skype regularly, so if you want to catch us on there, PM me here for the name and I'll add you to my contacts list. I do use Steam however if you prefer it.

Well, that's about all I got for Trove, hope to see some of you guys there! :grin: