Bugs with removed weapons


New Member
So, apparently, all of the removed weapons seem to be glitched in the latest iOS update. What happens is that these weapon look normal whilst in your hand or shop, but to others, they resemble different weapons (such as the Dark Mage Wand which looks like a Combat Knife). This will most likely get someone banned after they kill someone with what is meant to be weak when it's actually a powerful weapon, and the person mistakes them for hacking. This doesn't affect two removed weapons mainly because they've gotten an upgrade: the State Defender UP1 and the Elephant Hunter UP1. Also, when someone does kill a person with the specific removed weapon like the Dark Mage Wand, it shows the correct sprite of the weapon, but in the killcam it shows what the removed weapon turned into (such as the Combat Knife).
I have played with others, and using the Cactus Sword (which turns into a Pixel Gun), I hit them and it done more damage than the Pixel Gun intended. Then he thought I was hacking, but I gave him a little history lesson and he now knew what was the problem.