Can't join friend's game or add


New Member
For some reason, i could play this game with my cousin. then when i clicked on the add button, she never got my friend request. So, now i can't add her and it wont let me join any of her games. we tried making private rooms/creating public rooms/joining other people's lobbies, and they just wont work. im wonderin if the player rank restricts us from joining each other but im not sure. Im a lvl 4 and shes a lvl 3. can anyone help me with this?
The Friends System on iOS has been buggy and glitchy over the past few weeks. There is unfortunately no bug fix or solution to the problem at this time. Sorry.
I have an issue where none of my requests go through and my leaderboard doesn't load. I've had the problem since the release of the system. I have tried reinstalling the app. My iOS is up to date. Nothing has seemed to work, and I have been waiting for months. Food and supplies are running low and we are running out of drinking water. I don't know how much longer I can survive out here.