i eat tires
- disagreement, typically when prolonged, public, and heated.
"he sometimes caused controversy because of his forceful views"
- Crocker Jones - He is the main protagonist of the story. Although a made up character, he is important for the fate of the forums, and most possibly the internet itself. As he tries to battle Vashy, he also battles many pop cultural figures on the internet that disagrees with him. Also battling enemies Qwerty made to make the story more interesting. And no, he's not a huge fan of DeviantArt...not at all.
- Qwertyperson - Although he isn't visible, he's there, and controlling the story. Crocker relies on him too much, and Qwerty doesn't like that. He then makes Crocker do all the work, and will help when needed, because when he dies, the story can't go on. Which isn't fun at all for the reader.
- Vashy - The main antagonist of the story. He used to be a pretty swell guy, but turns bad for reasons unknown. Even the moderators are questioning the same question: what happened to Vash? The moderators are under his control, and can't do anything about it. As the mods act as bosses to the main character, Vashy plans what to do with Crocker and Qwerty's dead body. Wait, he knows I'm here now? In that case, we got to stop him NOW
It was a dank and Darude - Sandstormy night in the Pixel Gun 3D forums. I was walking around for some reason, and found a super secret place no one knew about. I went into that super secret place, and found the most spookiest thing known to man...A SPOOKY SCARY SKELETON! But I pushed that dumb thing outta mah way and saw the most spookiester thing in the world...A BIG SPOOKY MAN (my dad)! I said hi, and moved on. Then I saw a SNES game cartridge that said Super Mario XXX Die written in PERMENANT MARKER (it means it'll never get off). I bought the game, and moved on. I saw a TV with a SNES, so I put the game in it, and played it. The screen turn red, like blood. A spooky ghost appeared on the screen and said, "I'm going to kill you", and a skeleton came on the screen, and a BIG SPOOKY MAN CAME INSIDE THE ROOM, AND KILLED ME!!1! I came back alive, because I was needed for the future events of this dank story. I proceeded to the entrance of the super secret place. I saw a group of people talking with big words. I then realized that they were the moderators talking about god-knows-what. The only thing that I got out of it was Illuminati, and Omega. I then thought, "Who was Omega?", then Omega came outta nowhere, and said, "ALIENS! ALIENS EVERYWHERE!". I said, "SHUT UP, AND GO BACK TO LOS SANTOS YOU FREAK!". He cired, and ran off. I then realized that I needed him for the future events, and said, "Wait, I was just kidding ". Omega came back happy, and said, "Aliens are going to invade earth, unless you collect all of the spaceship parts." I collected metal scraps because I has nothing better to do, but Omega said those were the parts, and said we were saved. So that brings us back to the Illuminati lingo. I saw a geek with a cane. IT WUZ LESTER THE MOL...well, you know the rhyme...ANYWAYS, I told him about the Illuminati, and he looked suprised that I knew of this. I walked into his geeky house, and he told me this, "I need your help. Niko's gone quiet, and this other guy is too unpredictable, so you'll have to do". I was puzzled to what he was referring to, then he said this, "You are going to spy on the conversation with these spy-glasses with a built-in camera". I then said, "How am I supposed to do that, the conversation ended already". He then said, "Type this command on your keyboard: /timeset2000". This reminded me of Minecrap, but I did so, and I was back to when I first found the super secret room. I said, "Crap, not this again". Later, I spied on the conversation, but my cover was blown by a security guard that has a weird purple suit and skin. I said, "Don't you have anything better to do?". He then said, "Oh yeah", and he ran to some stupid pizza place. When I turned around, I grabbed my gun, and shot a guy. The camera then went inside the gun on accident, but I got it out. I brought the footage back to Lester, and he complimented on my gan-barrel sequence at the end of the footage. I was puzzeled, and said, "What's a gun-barrel sequence". He said, "Have you ever saw them old James Bond movies?" I said, "Oooh, I thought that was a metal straw he was shooting at". He then said, "They were talking about some pretty heavy topics, but the one thing that stood out was them being the Illuminati. We need to tell the world now". But since they're Illuminati, doesn't that make them alien-lizard people then? Omega then heard aliens, and came as fast as he could. I said, "OKAY, ENOUGH OF THE GTA V REFERENCES, OTHERWISE MICHEAL, FRANKLIN, OR EVEN WORSE, TREVOR MIGHT GET INVOLVED IN THIS!" They both said okay, and left (but they'll be back when the time is right).
To be continued
(Inception theme music cues in this scene)
As I watched them exit their super secret place, I followed their leader, Vashbrown. I hid behind the trees in the Slender Forest, then I saw Slenderman. I pushed his skinny-self outta mah way, and pounced Vashy to the ground. I skipped to the scene where I tied him up, and put him under dramatic lighting. I said, "Did you think you'll get away with this", then he said, "Actually, I did". This question was cliché, and dumb, so I re-wrote the script so I can ask him less cliché questions. I said, "Are you the only VashyVash existing, because in times like this, I'm starting to think you're not the only one.", then he said, "How did you know? You must be a wizard Harry". I then said, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH-HOLE AND LET ME FINISH! AND MY NAME'S NOT HARRY!". He said okay with a sad face, and I continued. I then said this, "Have you watched Pulp Fiction?", he replied with a no. I then said, "Well then the following sentences coming out of my mouth might sound unfamiliar to you." I continued with an excerpt from the Bible (I then realized that it wasn't actually from the Bible). I then grabbed a script, and said, "That is a tasty burger, no wait wrong line...It's the one that says 'Bad Mother...' wrong again...Oh there it is. (Clears throat) Thanks for letting me use this line, I owe you big time. Sincerely, Jesus. GOSH DARNIT. Well, I guess I have to make up my own saying. 'My mom was my mom, but was my dad actually my dad? HECK NO, but that didn't stop me. What did stop me was your plan. And I'm about to end your plan now, homie'". I walked away, and reminded him that I'll be returning. An explosion happened behind me, but I turned around. I said, "Crap, who did that?!". Then I saw a million Vashies with RPGs surrounding me. They aimed at me, and said, "Goodbye...what's your name sir?". I answered, "Crocker, Crocker Jones". They said thanks, and continued, "Goodbye Crocker Jones, we hardly knew you. I saw the rockets coming straight towards me. I closed my eyes, and waited to be blown to bits...Wait, am I supposed to be dead by now? Hold on here, Qwertyperson, you had one job, and that job is to let me die. I know this is a parody, but this is ridiculous. Oh wait a minute, I got an idea.
(In British accent) Many Rocket-Turning Seconds Later...
Finally, you can start the story now. All the Vashies realized what just happened, and screamed. Instead of blowing up into a million bits, they poofed out of existence. What the heck man, no blood and violence either?
(Note: This is CONTREVERSIE, not GTA V) made a valid point there. I then saw Vashity (the real one) clapping slowly. I said, "Clap one more time, and you'll wish you've never clapped in front of me". He stopped, and said okay sadly. I then realized what just happened. IT'S A TRAP
To be continued
To be continued
(Inception theme music cues in this scene)
As I watched them exit their super secret place, I followed their leader, Vashbrown. I hid behind the trees in the Slender Forest, then I saw Slenderman. I pushed his skinny-self outta mah way, and pounced Vashy to the ground. I skipped to the scene where I tied him up, and put him under dramatic lighting. I said, "Did you think you'll get away with this", then he said, "Actually, I did". This question was cliché, and dumb, so I re-wrote the script so I can ask him less cliché questions. I said, "Are you the only VashyVash existing, because in times like this, I'm starting to think you're not the only one.", then he said, "How did you know? You must be a wizard Harry". I then said, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH-HOLE AND LET ME FINISH! AND MY NAME'S NOT HARRY!". He said okay with a sad face, and I continued. I then said this, "Have you watched Pulp Fiction?", he replied with a no. I then said, "Well then the following sentences coming out of my mouth might sound unfamiliar to you." I continued with an excerpt from the Bible (I then realized that it wasn't actually from the Bible). I then grabbed a script, and said, "That is a tasty burger, no wait wrong line...It's the one that says 'Bad Mother...' wrong again...Oh there it is. (Clears throat) Thanks for letting me use this line, I owe you big time. Sincerely, Jesus. GOSH DARNIT. Well, I guess I have to make up my own saying. 'My mom was my mom, but was my dad actually my dad? HECK NO, but that didn't stop me. What did stop me was your plan. And I'm about to end your plan now, homie'". I walked away, and reminded him that I'll be returning. An explosion happened behind me, but I turned around. I said, "Crap, who did that?!". Then I saw a million Vashies with RPGs surrounding me. They aimed at me, and said, "Goodbye...what's your name sir?". I answered, "Crocker, Crocker Jones". They said thanks, and continued, "Goodbye Crocker Jones, we hardly knew you. I saw the rockets coming straight towards me. I closed my eyes, and waited to be blown to bits...Wait, am I supposed to be dead by now? Hold on here, Qwertyperson, you had one job, and that job is to let me die. I know this is a parody, but this is ridiculous. Oh wait a minute, I got an idea.
(In British accent) Many Rocket-Turning Seconds Later...
Finally, you can start the story now. All the Vashies realized what just happened, and screamed. Instead of blowing up into a million bits, they poofed out of existence. What the heck man, no blood and violence either?
(Note: This is CONTREVERSIE, not GTA V) made a valid point there. I then saw Vashity (the real one) clapping slowly. I said, "Clap one more time, and you'll wish you've never clapped in front of me". He stopped, and said okay sadly. I then realized what just happened. IT'S A TRAP
To be continued
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