Death to Necro-Posting!


Holiday Enthusiast
Definition of Necroposting-
Posting to a forum post uncommented/liked by anyone for over a month.
A.K.A pointless alerts.

Recently, we've been having a pike in the quantity of Necro-Posting. For a while, it would pop up every week or two. Nowadays, we get 2-3 Necro-Posts a day.
I would like to make a request to lock threads that not have been posted on for over 31 days. Even if this request is not accepted, I would like to make a warning- ALWAYS CHECK BEFORE YOU POST! Look under the last comment to find it's date posted. If it is still in the same month/week, It's alright. Any time after that, Your not doing good for anyone.
Thank you for taking your time for reading this, I hope this little conundrum stops sooner.
Pls don't hate, Donate.
I suggest a new kind of system. My suggestion would be to have some sort of temporary thread lock and if someone wants to post something actually useful, a panel will prompt the user to type the post in the panel and then the Panel will be sent to a mod who will verify the post, too see if it's useful or pointless.

We should all ignore this thread, then in about two months we revive it.

Got it???

Do you think maybe the spike is partly because of the backdate? I remember getting called for posting on a thread that was active before the backdate, but after the backdate the last post has been a month before or something like that. My memory might be terrible so I may be wrong. Then again, the backdate happened quite a whole ago.