Diary of A Minecraft Scientist

Sir CatSnap

Raisin Hating Feline
[Upon the recent release of the 12.0 update (and me feeling like a noob all over again) the thought of making a Minecraft journal has been ever so present in my head. I just haven't found the time to do it. Not only that, but I want to show that I'm not the badly spelling cat you see in the shout box all the time. I can actually wright on a collegent level.

So without further ado... I present to you...

Diary of A Minecraft Scientist!

I stood, staring into the purplish hue of the swirling portal. Not long ago had it been that I had correctly placed the obsidian in the correct position. That was, after the villagers and I discovered a unique chemical compound that had a strange reaction to fire.

Ah, the villagers. I felt selfish, entering the portal without acknowledging them before hand. I knew I shouldn't feel pity though. The villagers simply laughed and looked around nervously as I suggested my hypothesis. They never did seem to have a adventurous character as I did.

I looked back towards the portal. The purple interior began to wobble, similar to ripples on water. A few purple specks came flying outwards, losing intensity the farther they traveled. Perplexed, I scrambled over from my spot to touch the portal. I than, the common sense side of me that is, told me to stay away. I jumped back. Gah, you don't know what lies beyond, at least prepare yourself I thought as I looked at the measly backpack in the corner of the stone brick room deep underground.

Walking over to it, I examined its contents-

•A few loafs of bread
•Dried, packaged meat
•Short sword
•A book and quill
•10 glass bottles (test tubes)
•Bow and quiver (off to the side)
•Sticks, flint, and a sliver of steel
•A golden apple

I dared not to pack more. For every good adventurer knows that heavy backpacks can lead to a unfortunate demise. I was just going to stoop back up, when I noticed the shiny glint of the golden apple, reflecting off the torch light. Bending down, I picked it up, turning it this way and that. One of the villager children had gave it to me just before I decended the ladder to my underground lab.

"Erhm, Mr. Poplus?"

I replied with a befuddled look

"I uh...wanted you to have this"

It was at this moment the child pulled the apple out from his sleeve pocket, looking behind him as he handed it too me. Noticing the slight alarm in his childish face. I glanced over his shoulder at the old villager, leaning over his crops, but quite aware of me and the child.

"If you ever get in trouble just uh...take a few bites of this apple. My dad says it has magical powers" The kid said, much quieter this time.

"Why thank you Timmy" I said, and than the tiny villager was off, running this way and that, the old man's eyes following him.

I was most conspicuous now of my villager friends, how much they really trusted me that was. They would certainly know that I would happily examine the golden apple in my lab, than gave it back to them, blabbering about test results. I knew I should have never thought that though, for ever since the villagers found out I was willing to explore, create things, they immediately spread themselves apart from me.

I couldn't think about that now though. There was a whole new world to explore, to document. I slung the backpack over my shoulder, picked up my bow and side quiver*, and stepped closer to the portal. I stood there, for what seemed longer than five seconds, into the swirly purplish mist of the portal. Had I been less dumb struck than I was now, I would have stopped and examined that air seemed to move inwards to the portal, and the particles outward. But instead, trancelike, I stepped into the swirly mist.

Instantly I was engulfed in a very cold slime. And I could only look back as the world began to twist and turn.

Did you enjoy?! Did my wrighting bore you to the point of insanity? I hope not. Also, I ask @R Red Rederax , @adam S. , or @DeQuantum if I will be allowed to post here once a day, regardless if someone else has posted, so I can daily record this.