Do you think this is annoying?

Warning: That was a joke as to how annoying the Dragon Breath can be.
Use Responsibly.
Ahh i'm sorry ! Didn't know if that was a joke or not. usually I put some sort of happy face when i joke around or an !. :grin:
-Super Amazing God,
Aha, this is one of the severe drawbacks of an in-game reporting system. It gets abused by kids who are snobs and think the person better than them is hacking, when in reality, they just won't accept that someone is better than them skill-wise. A way some communities go about this issue is they generally have a council of gamers with the developers and discuss if said player being reported is actually hacking/being disruptive in the game. However, those that do that are generally gaming communities with a more mature fanbase and such. In this regard with young teens playing, there's no real compromise to the matter.

In this regard, I'd probably tone down my skill and only win by a few points. I'd save the MLG gaming style for playing against friends/users on the forum. Destroying public newbies will just get you a notorious rep for being a "hacker" among the lowly newbs and you'll be reported quite often.
I usually report a person who places 25 turrets and uses unlimited mechs+jetpacks in one round with full ruby armor and laser miniguns for 'possible hacking'