Guide to PG3D types of players: Pacifist

Inferno the Assassin

Probably not named Gertrude
Pacifists are those people who say no kill. Do not listen to them. They are highly annoying and could possibly a dater. Pacifists often have clans that are named No kill. WARNING: IF PACIFIST IS LEVEL 9999999999999999999999/26 AND HAS RUBY ARMOR AND OP WEAPONS, TEAM UP ON HIM/HER/IT/THEM/PACIFIST. List of Pacifists I know:
Goddess( seen holding Laser Minigun)
Megatron(I don't know why it had to be a transformer)
And the rest I forgot.
Pacifists are those people who say no kill. Do not listen to them. They are highly annoying and could possibly a dater. Pacifists often have clans that are named No kill. WARNING: IF PACIFIST IS LEVEL 9999999999999999999999/26 AND HAS RUBY ARMOR AND OP WEAPONS, TEAM UP ON HIM/HER/IT/THEM/PACIFIST. List of Pacifists I know:
Goddess( seen holding Laser Minigun)
Megatron(I don't know why it had to be a transformer)
And the rest I forgot.
Don't you already have a similar thread of this?
nah you see thats the mistake almost everyone makes.....never team up on someone I know i might sound stupid but he will easily win if he has some short of skill because he has lets say 4 targets [if 4v1] and everyone else has 1 so even if he kills 2 people and then die by 1 then he still wins.GET IT?
nah you see thats the mistake almost everyone makes.....never team up on someone I know i might sound stupid but he will easily win if he has some short of skill because he has lets say 4 targets [if 4v1] and everyone else has 1 so even if he kills 2 people and then die by 1 then he still wins.GET IT?

I get it and thats why i like being the 1 that vs 4.
Im fine with SOME pacifists, as long as they don't start dating, and start cussing in my screen to the point when it breaks.