Hello, I'm Jinx.

Agent Jinx

New Member
Hello, I'm Jinx. I usually get about at least 1 monster kill every match with the the second upgrade of the assault carbine (The one before rambo's rifle) I'm fairly good at pistols and automatics, and I usually end up first on Team Battle. What are some clans I can join that accept my skill level?
You may try DeathStalkers if you want. We are an elite clan which only accepts 15 members in total.
Ok, it's on Team Battle.
Name: boo
Pass: 123
See you there. And remember, I'm not going to judge by points. I'm judging you by skill.
My name is trollman,
You will not see me.
You will not find me.
I am everywhere.
When you die,
There is no sign
Or trace of me
You won't see my name.
Nor my chat
The only explanation,
Is hax.
Hello, I'm Jinx. I usually get about at least 1 monster kill every match with the the second upgrade of the assault carbine (The one before rambo's rifle) I'm fairly good at pistols and automatics, and I usually end up first on Team Battle. What are some clans I can join that accept my skill level?
You can try out for the Epic Gamers. what level are you?