How to earn Coins and Exp(Fairly Quickly)

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Well-Known Member

Good day everyone. It's Blackout and I'm here to show you guys an array of ways to earn coins and exp at fairly quick way. Since I have seen a few people struggling to acquire coins.

Method 1
Time Survival:
This is a popular way of earning Coins and Exp. Which, I believe it earns you atleast 3 coins and 15 exp.
This method is very simple. Simply create a room in Time Survival and limit the Player Capacity to 2, so as to avoid/lessen the amount of competition and start killing mobs.

Method 2
This technique was widely used before the versions of 8.0, but has been since greatly nerfed. The new way of earning coins in surival is to equip the Crystal Mega Destroyer/Predator. The shotguns of the current have been greatly buffed, being able to 1 shot any mob in Survival(Especially Armored Stalkers). Once your score has reached atleast 150,000 , them you may as well kill yourself, which rewards you with 75 Exp.

Method 3
(Never Really thought a name for this method)
This method is a fairly new way of earning Coins and Exp. First off, what you want to do is to join a 15 minute Dating/Prom/No Kill server and act like a friendly and then at the last 10 seconds, simply kill atleast 1 person. This will award you with 10 coins and 50 exp.

Feel free to add you own methods of acquiring coins easily below.

(More Methods Coming Soon)
Switching teams before the end of the game. Push power button on device then turn back on. It will ask you what team you want to join, join the winning team always.
Or you know just move around constantly with carefully timed attacks from above with the AGB UP2.
With the Hitman Cape
And samurai hat
And ruby armor.
Really sums up to make moolah in deathmatch and also is fun.
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