I Shall Be Your New Handler

Theta Meta

Royal Guard of PG Forums/ Retried DASC
As many are probably wondering. "Why is this even important?" Allow me to shed some light on that. I am not who seem, by that I mean I will be taking my sister's place. I will go by the name of Theta, surname Theta Meta, family name ThetaTheDragon.
Now to explain this introduction, as you could say interjection.
  • I am technically here to take my sister's place after three weeks, two days of study on her mental stability, sanity following her encounter with out father. Even though she showed signs of growth, stability I had to pull her away. Doing this I swiftly avoided many different difficulties, possible complete mental collapse and lose of sanity. With this all meaning I will take her place, tie up loose ends to prevent a loss I her psychicy, possible loss of her altogether. With that side note meaning suicide, genocide, or police violence.
  • I go by the name Theta Meta, Theta, or ThetaTheDragon. This a marking, indication of that I am not the kind of man to mess around, this only proven further by idealism. Which is also derived from my father's ideology. In short I mean: "I take more of a hand in business than I do in fun."
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