Multiplayer Spotlight: Guerrilla Rifle!


I'm starting a new series called "Multiplayer Spotlight", which means that every few weeks or so I test a weapon in combat and see how it does. My first episode features the guerrilla rifle, which honestly turned out better than I thought it would.

Check it out:

End Result: 6.5 / 10
Verdict: Worth 285 coins (Including the upgrade)


- Good rate of fire / capacity for a sniper gun.
- Good damage ; one-headshot kill.
- Awesome x10 scope! Great sniper rifle for Camp City (a.k.a. Nuclear City).

- Outgunned by many other rifles (or maybe it's just my lack of skill)
- Slow reload (but for good reason)
- Need good aim for an effective kill streak

Let me know if you want me to continue, and tell me what weapon you want in the spotlight next! :smile:

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The slow reload can be offset by switching to any other gun then switching back to your sniper rifle. It is what I and many others do to shorten the reload time for guns.
Guerrilla Rifle is decent... If you can consistently make the headshots. If you can't, you'll have to shoot the person twice (if you're decked out with damage-boosting accessories). I also find that while the high rate of fire is nice to have, you won't often find yourself needing to shell out two rounds per second, unless you're just madly firing at someone from close range, which a sniper rifle isn't good for in the first place.
Guerrilla Rifle is decent... If you can consistently make the headshots. If you can't, you'll have to shoot the person twice (if you're decked out with damage-boosting accessories). I also find that while the high rate of fire is nice to have, you won't often find yourself needing to shell out two rounds per second, unless you're just madly firing at someone from close range, which a sniper rifle isn't good for in the first place.
Well, unlike C.O.D (FPS) the crosshair on a sniper is little so that its a lot easier
Meh I along with A lot of people prefer the ultimate head hunter for the epic firepower. Another reason I like the headhunter better
Is because I'm not that sniper that rushes up and no scopes players. So i use headhuter for defensive maps like two castle CTF or any flag capture and gurrilia rifle for offence.
- Outgunned by many other rifles (or maybe it's just my lack of skill)

- Slow reload (but for good reason)
- Need good aim for an effective kill streak

Blasphemy. Three guys with automatic weapons (if I recall correctly a Peacemaker, Eindringling and State Defender) caught me and tried to gang up on me, I took them all out with my Guerrilla Rifle AND survived. This was at kinda midrange too.