My solutions for all things op.


Pixel Gun Legend REBORN
I have found that a lot of things are "op" or "not fair.
well I have a totally recreated gameplay to hopefully satisfy all of your needs.
1.) mechs, turrets, and jetpacks are too powerful or too expensive.
Killstreaks. why have the double, triple, multi, ultra, and monster kill if they don't really do anything good for you.
now in order to buy and use a jet pack, u must a multi kill
to buy and use a turret, get an ultra kill.
in order to buy and use a mech, get a monster kill

2.) ammo runs dry to often
make it back to the time you had to reach 12, 13, 14, etc kills in order to win! instead of waiting 15 minutes to get paid. that slows you down by a lot and consumes too much ammo to win. plus 15 minute matches are sooooo long. and it gets you only 1 win.
by doing this ammo running out wont be a problem that often.

3.) daters

this is a good one. execute the in game chat. this will ruin daters life! who talks in battle pixel gun battles anyway you are supposed to be killing. that will stop those stupid nooby daters

4.) coins
in order to get coins, win more often. its the fastest and most used way, I think

other then that plz comment and I think I solved the dater problem.
Turning chat off completely would be a bit drastic, don't you think? I think that Rilisoft should just implement something like a filter for certain words or phrases that daters commonly use, and ban certain words from being used as character names. I think that would remedy the problem quite well.
The chat will never go away. If it did, there would be no more daters in the game, and rilisoft won't get money from their inapp purchases.