The Legend of Coronal Sundars: Chapter one

This story tells of the legend of the man who used the power of the eleven ingredients to create the greatest fried chicken the world has ever seen.

His name was Coronal Sundars.

If you thought his name was Colonel Sanders, then you're wrong.

Coronal Sundars was actually an alien from another planet.

And before he actually became a human to fulfill his destiny as the greatest chicken god thing, he was working at an "eatery" called Eatery.

And before that, he was a baby, and before that, he was born.

Legend tells the story of the god Akatosh, who is actually one of the Divines who reigns over Mundus where Skyrim is.

Akatosh went to the planet called KEPLAR FKEJENDODIWNDNCMDMBIOLABTHING CHICKENLAND and turned into a dragon and told everyone that some white bearded guy was gonna save the world from the horrible burger chain known as McDonald's.

Ronald McDonald turned out to be one of those secret underground penitus ociulatus lizard agent beings from the ILLUMINATI base under the Pentagon.

The people of KFC, as the planet was called before the Death Star came over and blew it up, decided to rebel against Akatosh and drove him out of the planet.

And somewhere on that planet, a baby was taking his first steps to the fryer.
