Update blues....


New Member
I recently updated to a newer version (12.2.1), and just bought (with real money) enough gems to buy the sunrise, dead star(bought with gold I earned), dual double barrels, bastion, and all the hats. Why in the hell did I get all of it taken away when I updated, why? I Tryed to restore purchases, but as expected, it did nothing. I want my guns or my money back, until then, I will not be playing pixel gun, as it reset me to my steam power and plasma pistol but that's it, all my hats, guns, fully upgraded armor, and pets gone. I wasted about $20 on your game, and for what? So you could take my weapons and my equipment away, just to scam me? I do hope you fix this and give me back what I am owed. That was the first and possibly final time I spend real money on your game if your gonna scam me out of my money like that, please give me back my stuff. You game is really unplayable without it. Please. Also get the word out for me if you are not a dev, I need the help, please.