Void Clan, Recruiting!

Void Frenzy

New Member
Void Clan - Recruiting

I made a clan recently named "Void". I don't have any members yet but I am recruiting.

• Level 10 or Above.
• Need Kik. Add Void Frenzy and you will be add to a group chat for the clan.
• You have to be good
• You have to be active
• Change your name to have Void and then something after it. For example mine is Void Frenzy.
• Your name has to have a color.
• Add me in game and I will invite you to the clan if you meet all the requirements.
• You must have a good gun. not low leveled
Well, since you have no members yet, I must say that the rules is pretty hard (no disrespect), in my opinion.. And the name color is really annoying when you are playing by the way.. I sometimes use ammo on my own people due I had doubts about if it was friends or foe.. But I wish you the best of luck with your clan.