What gun stats do you think are skewed??


Any weapons you guys think have inaccurate stats? If so, what weapon is it and what (based off experience) do you think a better estimate?
Photon shotgun's stats are very innacurate, in my opinion, as it can be outright lethal when in range.
The laser crossbow up2 is a one shot headshot to me (my body armor is maxed, helmet all but last upgrade), even though the lethality is less than the sunrise (which is a 2 headshot kill to a fully AAP)
Even with cape that increase damage from primary weapons, the secret force rifle with lethality on 26 can not take out a maxed out armor with 2 headshots, but my sniper rifle, sunrise can do that with lethality on 27..do not know if i understand the numbers correctly, english is not my language, but with the secret force rifle and the cape i need to shoot them several times in the head.. According too the stats they should be more or less equal..
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To all of those who are confused with the guns having inaccurate status: i've been yelling into pillow (i know boys shouldnt do that but, oh well) i kept having a war to figure out why the status are lying, and i still didnt get the right answer, however.....i did come up with a theory and its that is depends on how much shots per magzine the weapon has, for example:
The future rifle has 19 damage (24 with the STC UP2) and the steam revolver up1 has 14
For some reason 8 shots from the steam revolver (full mag) can take out a full adamant armored player which left me hanging like "eh what da heeck?" Until i slaped my self in DA FACE and said "maybe the power is more concentrated on each shot if the weapon has a small magzine but spread out if the magzine size is larger" thats how i am going so far into my PG3D coin master research
I hope this was usefull :3
Have a nice day : D