What Should We Do About Dating Servers?

Do You Like Dating Servers?

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I Hate Dating Servers, and when I usually hook up with my friends on PG3D. We usually go on a custom server. I set a lock on my server but my friends just don't wanna have the hassle of typing in a password.. So we usually have a server called something like 360LLU1 so that no one can really find it but Prommers keep going onto my servers with these names Cute Girl, Cute Boy, Wolf Girl, Wolf Boy, Sexy Girl, Sexy Boy and it really REALLY annoys me..
I don't think i'm the only one with this problem because Rilisoft are having it too but I don't see them doing anything about it. I am in The Dora Squad but we cant do anything to stop them, I know that like everyone will probably say something like, ( give them sum funn, what have they don from having a great tim meatin people, turn da chatt ov) LIKE SERIOUSLY, we need to get them off REALLY. A lot of people complain about them and im one. I think a sultion is to have Admins and let them control the bans, because that would mean that it would be more secure than servers titled, SEXXXXX.

Please leave your suggestions down below o_O

- Jack
How about we need just an admin and mod for server when you created a server, your owner of server and you can do promote everyone as Guest, Member, Mod, Admin, Co-owner. So we need a system for that and when your Owner, you can kick or ban everyone if they are dating or doing something wrong or in important meeting and you can have unlimited ammo and have god mode on. And if your Co-owner, you can still kick lower member except higher member, but you can have god mode button like off/on, and you can't ban them as well... You can kick them, when your admin, you can't be god mode but you can regenerate yourself quickly, but you can only kick, when your a mod, you can just kick and have normal regenerate your health, when your member, Member doesn't have power at all... So is Guest... Please if you want this, like this and share this.
Lol my sister started playing the game. We friended each other right away. While she was playing, she encountered a clan of Daters. She reported them, told me, and I joined the match. As everyone else was a 1-4, when I joined as a lvl 9, and said "I heard things about some daters?" Scared the crap out of them. Sp, of you have a second device on a low level, use it to scout servers for daters. Bam, you join as your super level, and scare some sense into them so they never date again.
How about we need just an admin and mod for server when you created a server, your owner of server and you can do promote everyone as Guest, Member, Mod, Admin, Co-owner. So we need a system for that and when your Owner, you can kick or ban everyone if they are dating or doing something wrong or in important meeting and you can have unlimited ammo and have god mode on. And if your Co-owner, you can still kick lower member except higher member, but you can have god mode button like off/on, and you can't ban them as well... You can kick them, when your admin, you can't be god mode but you can regenerate yourself quickly, but you can only kick, when your a mod, you can just kick and have normal regenerate your health, when your member, Member doesn't have power at all... So is Guest... Please if you want this, like this and share this.
That is exactly what I emailed to Rilisoft about
If only they could ban the words, Hot, Sexy, Sex... And all of that stuff in names. Who even put yes for their decision
You're kidding, right? I cursed up a storm directed towards one whining dater, and they reported me but I wasn't banned.
Uh one time I got banned.. that was back in just deathmatch mode.. Way way long time ago. Oh and PS what is your YouTube called, wanna sub plz
The game is meant to be about killing if they report riles oft will understand that you were just trying to play the game correctly.just don't be mean to them so they don't have something to report you about.I just close the chat and kill them.

Story time:there was a time I was in silent school and it was a dating server everyone got mad at my because I was killing them and they teamed up on my 4v1 and still won.+ if I didn't win I would have still ruined their server cause they started to kill.
What happens when you get reported? I've trolled many servers and either I never have gotten reported, or I never noticed the consequences