WORST pixel gun 3d weapons

The Beast....

New Member
I, da Beast, present to u:
in pixel gun 3d...
10: sparkly blaster: this thing is pathetic, its one of the weakest weapons ive ever seen, you CAN get kills with it thought.
9: plasma pistol: this thing is pure crap,it does like barley any damage and the splash damage is pathetic. Its not the worst weapon but its still pretty bad, dont buy this thing.
8: hunger bow: this bow isnt even all that good, it doesnt have much ammo and shoots slow. If ur gonna get a bow AT LEAST get the magic bow or , if you have enough money, get the tacticle bow.which can practically one shot any player.
7: best friend: this gun is terrible, ithas suckish capacity and takes like three magazines to kill some one. It makes a good starter weapon, but when u start leveling up, dont expect to be using it a lot.
6: combat knife: this is the worst meelee weapon ever, it does low damage and youd be better of with the dark force saber or the katana.
5: _OXBADCODE#: you get thos gun after you beat the campaign called crossed worlds, even though its not that bad for damage, it is kinda slow and the knock back is insane, so if you shoot at the floor where u are by accident, you practically go flying across the map. And if u shoot some one with dis, same thing. Then u wonder where u shot them to and they come back and knife u with the katana.
4: the pixel gun: this pistol has one word to describe it: suckishly lame. The gun has like no damage and you could be better of with THE SPARKLY BLASTER. You can get some kills with this gun if you know how to use it.
3: signal pistol: this gun has a slow fir rate and low damage. Its useful.for escaping. By shooting yourself in the air, u might be able to get away.
2: sniper rifle: some of u guys might not agree with this choice , but the sniper rifle is slow, has barley any ammo and usually takes more than one shot to kill armoured players. As you may know, barley any players in pixel gun just sit there like a lizard so when you finally do shoot them, you have to shoot them again and sometimes: AGAIN. This thing sucks and youd be better of with the electro blast rifle or even the brutal headhunter.
1: Anti gravity blaster: the anti gravity blaster has good range damage and capacity so why is it the worst?!?! Well, whenever i think of this gun it makes me want to crush my i pad in my hand.this gun makes me rage so hard whenever people use it. Exxotik and many other youtubers hate it. The noob shoots himself up in the air while the blast kills the player. Then while the noob is on his safe little perch, he is laughing and everybody while they are raging. This weaponSucks and that is why its #1 on this list.

I hope you guys agree with this list. I TRIED to make it as fair as possible so if you dont agree with it dont whine in the comments. Thanks.
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I disagree with the Pixel Gun and the Badcode.
The Pixel Gun is one of the most deadly weapons when you start the game, or in Deadly Games.
The Badcode is now, the best Rocket-jump gun to use, its not strong because its a gun you get in the campaign, but in the right hands, this thing is one of the best area dmg weapons ever.
The sniper rifle is pretty good. It can 1-hit a non armored person, and fast fire rate.... Though capacity would be a problem...
I disagree with the Pixel Gun and the Badcode.
The Pixel Gun is one of the most deadly weapons when you start the game, or in Deadly Games.
The Badcode is now, the best Rocket-jump gun to use, its not strong because its a gun you get in the campaign, but in the right hands, this thing is one of the best area dmg weapons ever.
Thats why its my opinion, everyone has different opi ions
The sniper rifle is pretty good. It can 1-hit a non armored person, and fast fire rate.... Though capacity would be a problem...
No it takes TWO FREAKIN HEAD SHOTS FOR A NO ARMOURED PLAYER. Its a fact, i tested it.
Erm...you forgot the Flower Power, me thinks.
Its not that bad
The phantom edge. For such a cool weapon it is so weak. But I guess it's because I never filled the soul counter.
Uh never heard of it
Majority of these weapons are "Bad", because they are starter weapons. Of course no one's going to use them, as they progress throughout the game.
Cherry bomb kind of sucks. Gravity Blaster isn't that good anymore due to the face that it now sees adamant armored players and takes like 4 shots to kill.
Any opinions on the dark matter or tesla cannon?

Also I agree with your choices, AGB is useless now against adaments, and mine is fully maxed. I want to replace it, hence my above question.
Any opinions on the dark matter or tesla cannon?

Also I agree with your choices, AGB is useless now against adaments, and mine is fully maxed. I want to replace it, hence my above question.
the big buddy up 2 is a 1 hit kill to any type of armor and I have the tesla cannon up 1 and it takes like 8 shots to a full adamant player but it has a fast fire rate I don't have up 2 yet and I'm probably not going to get it so you might wanna ask someone else but the dark matter up 1 is very good it like the tesla it's not very power full but it shoots fast high blast radius and high capacity so it's good but I would really recommend the big buddy it is my favorite its blast radius is HUGE! And the power is incomparable so I would consider it.btw last upgrade is gems but it's only 65 on sale but it's way worth the gems hope I helped :smile:. Btw I will test these to make sure I was right[/QUOTE]
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Gravity blaser is still good for me because I have gb up2 and both demolition cape and boots maxed out so I can still shoot at people while in midair or quickly hop into a safe spot and take my prototype up2 out

It can 1 shot people lower than full diamond 2 with full Ruby and 3 with full adamantite

Better than storm hammer if you can aim correctly
The Storm Hammer is the best WORST weapon. It's a good weapon, but it's too good. You know the weapon, so I assume you know what it does by now.
Well, most of the weapons you've mentioned are for beginners (e.g. Best friend, combat knife etc.) so its really no surprise if they're terrible, right?