Anastasia Reizei Aug 29, 2016 Ya know, I won't lie. I've been feelin' pretty bad lately. Not $#!++y...just bad. I dunno why though.
Ya know, I won't lie. I've been feelin' pretty bad lately. Not $#!++y...just bad. I dunno why though.
Anastasia Reizei Aug 12, 2016 I'm'd think I'm doing $#!++y...but I'm not. So I'll, for the first time in 2 months, say I'm doing good. So...yay~
I'm'd think I'm doing $#!++y...but I'm not. So I'll, for the first time in 2 months, say I'm doing good. So...yay~
Anastasia Reizei Aug 6, 2016 I'm doing $#!++y. There. Just $#!++y. Not "Really bad" or "Not very good". $#!++y.
Anastasia Reizei Jul 26, 2016 I was told it should be fine for me to be on now. Sooo yeah, I'm back on for now. Oh yeah, and I'm doing pretty bad. Be surprised.
I was told it should be fine for me to be on now. Sooo yeah, I'm back on for now. Oh yeah, and I'm doing pretty bad. Be surprised.
Anastasia Reizei Jul 16, 2016 Eh, I'll just leave. There isn't much sense in causing a major issue over something thats small. It was nice knowing ya, and dasvidaniya.
Eh, I'll just leave. There isn't much sense in causing a major issue over something thats small. It was nice knowing ya, and dasvidaniya.
Anastasia Reizei Jul 15, 2016 I CAN DO A BRITISH ACCENT! TEA AND SEXY ACCENTS AND $#!+ ! In all seriousness though, I have a British accent!
I CAN DO A BRITISH ACCENT! TEA AND SEXY ACCENTS AND $#!+ ! In all seriousness though, I have a British accent!
Anastasia Reizei Jul 11, 2016 Heh, take a guess. I'll give ya a hint. It's starts with $ and ends with y.
Lyne Jul 5, 2016 Hello Miss Madison! I am...quite surprised you went ahead and made an account on here. Again, I do apologize for the inconvenience of being forced to make an account. But it's no big deal, right?
Hello Miss Madison! I am...quite surprised you went ahead and made an account on here. Again, I do apologize for the inconvenience of being forced to make an account. But it's no big deal, right?
Anastasia Reizei Jul 4, 2016 I'll just sum up how I'm doing in one word. "$#!++y". Does that explain it? Or do I need to go into greater detail?
I'll just sum up how I'm doing in one word. "$#!++y". Does that explain it? Or do I need to go into greater detail?
Admiral Ansoa Jun 15, 2016 i heard that you got a cat in a note, be careful if you touched her, some people could try and get you diseased or something
i heard that you got a cat in a note, be careful if you touched her, some people could try and get you diseased or something