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  1. BobBobLicksPG3D

    How I get me moneez!!

    Since the new update, which eradicated survival grinder, I have been trying to come up with some great new coin abstaining methods. (These are in order from worst to best) 3) Go on team battle on 'In The Code' and equip the magic or fire bow. This is an appropriate weapon as there are many...
  2. BobBobLicksPG3D

    Rambo's Riffle Spawn Ammo

    Foreword: this is a small idea so don't say "oh this is not a big idea" I am a huge fan of the Rambo's Rifle. The mixture of damage and rate of fire is superb and the scope makes this gun amazing, also it looks awesome. This weapon is so good that I use it nearly all the time (I occasionally...
  3. BobBobLicksPG3D

    Coin drops

    Just a thought but wouldn't it be nice to occasionally find a coin just sitting on the ground in a multiplayer game. A drop location has a percentage system, 50 or so % ammo 20% health 15% armour. What I'm suggesting is that the rest be percentage of a coin drop. I suggested this as it adds a...
  4. BobBobLicksPG3D

    Laser Chain-Saw

    As we all know the laser chain-saw is the same as a sword with different stats. I have an idea that would make it a bit more interesting. It would need fuel the spawn ammo would be 5/15 the max would be 5/30. Each fuel would last a second and when it within range of the enemy it would do -2...
  5. BobBobLicksPG3D

    1v1 mode?

    1v1 mode would be located in death match. Very small maps would be used (Colosseum, the last level if campaign, new ones) There would be gun fight: the two players would be given a random gun and fight it out best of 3. After each round the player gets a full regen. There would also be knife...