Coin drops

Just a thought but wouldn't it be nice to occasionally find a coin just sitting on the ground in a multiplayer game. A drop location has a percentage system, 50 or so % ammo 20% health 15% armour. What I'm suggesting is that the rest be percentage of a coin drop.

I suggested this as it adds a bit to the game and makes coin collection that bit easier. I also suggest buffing up FFA wins from 3 coins to 5.

P.S. I made the percentages up but thier my best guess.
To answer your deadly game low coins its not always 1-3 coins and 5-10 exp its cause of the players you see they leave so it lowers it madly
Edit : its for other people who didnt know LOL
[Stares at you with open wide eyes]
There's a thread about suggesting ideas this should be there
There's a thread about suggesting ideas
do you understand if not its ok.
Have a nice day!
Locking thread.

It appears more and more people are coming up with suggestions, well, to continue the trend, I'm going to SUGGEST something to VashX for the FORUM.