''EVIL MAN'' skin by NEY


New Member
Hello, everybody!
This is my really first skin in this game. I have never maked any skins in minecraft or other games like this.
EVIL MAN - I choosed this name, because I wanted to make a human skin, not monster or something like that. This human is very evil and that's why he have these skeleton heads on he's body and the dark, evil colors. I made these colours as close as I can to the cape and boots. I tried to copy the logo from the cape to the body. Check it out, leave a comment please and yeah, it also looks very cool with SWAT rifle. Enjoy.

Credits: NEY

How do you make your own clip, by pictures or parts of a video?
I am using Quick memo to take snapshots in game and then im placing pictures in PC. Then i go to gifmaker.me and browsing these shapshots. You can set gif fast or slow and woala, its easy.
Yes Neyz that is a very nice looking skin.
In fact I liked your post already.
You see, the main point of pixel gun 3d's accessories in my perspective is to make or create a custom skin that fits with it or even better into a theme like what you just did, skeleton lord!
3 stars Neyz, well done.