Forum Game: Ban the person above you!

Banned for
a) not knowing the color is violet
b) owning the Share House
c) eating the last of my croutons
DOES NOBODY KNOW THE NAME OF THIS COLOUR?!?! Banned for assuming that I don't know, and eating your croutons.
Banned for thinking I was unintelligent (isn't that color electric indigo or violet or purple?)
Banned because you enjoyed eating the last of my croutons ;-;
Y u nu tell meh ban reason?!?! 1v1 me irl m8. Saturday night 23:59. Fite me behind Tesco and we r gud. Get yo weed, no scoping and quick scoping ready or get ready to get rekt
Banned for holding a lightsaber without poseable thumbs and having a unicorn who breathes fire and shoots lasers out of it's eyes (that I killed...)
Banned for being a secret agent and having a profile picture that reminds me of baby owls.